The week of Sept 22nd marked the celebration of National Machinery’s 140th anniversary. Over 300 customers from 129 different companies took part in this milestone event.

OH USA - Over 150 customers visited each of the three days during the Open House. Visitors were able to see the results of extensive plant expenditures over the last two years including investments in new production machining equipment, inspection equipment, process flow improvements and employee work areas. A highlight of the Open House was the comprehensive plant tour of 18 stops, where a National expert explained their specific work area process, which covered every main area in the facility from Met-MAX tooling applications to rebuilding, assembly and production machining. One of the stops also included a demonstration of a complete machine line with DTI wire drawer, FORMAX LeanFX, and CTG/Ransohoff parts washer. Other demonstrations included inspection technologies by Mectron, the new FORMAX XXV with robotic tool changer, and a FORMAX Warm Former. Customers were given the opportunity to attend six different technical seminars during the Open House, which varied in topic and helped attendees gain knowledge in subjects such as maintenance practices, part applications and cold forming related operations. The event concluded with a community day at the end of the week, allowing friends, family, and members of the community to tour the facility. For further background on National products and services, please contact your local National sales manager or checkout the website at